Directed by Troy Miller. A runtime of one hour and eight minutes. Streaming on Prime Video with a TV-MA rating.

In this stand-up special, Marlon hits up New York and tries to tear down the Apollo Theater. With his parents recently passing away, he uses that as the majority of his source material. It’s kind of a love letter to his parents. 

With a bunch of cancelable jokes that came out of his mouth, Marlon didn’t hold back any punches and walked a thin line this whole special. Giving gems, going through grief, and just saying the wildest things. This makes for Marlon’s most unique and over-the-top special yet, and that’s saying a lot for him. Be prepared, because you’re not ready for what’s about to come out of his mouth.

“Marlon Wayans: Good Grief” was, um, something else. I know this was a tribute to his late parents, but still, there are way too many jokes about his parent’s private parts. Like, talking about feeling uncomfortable. 

It had some gems in there. You could tell his father’s recent death was weighing heavy on him. Howard Wayans looked to be a serious man, he was a man who helped mold Marlon. But you could tell his mother was the main parent who held a piece of his heart and molded a lot of him where his father might have slacked off.

Marlon talked about being part of the “Dead Mama” club, which I completely understood since I’ve been a member for over twenty years. At one point, he breaks down crying, gives you some gems, then says the most outlandish joke. 

It got to the point where you felt like he was just saying crap to say it. It wasn’t even funny. Marlon went for the gusto with this one. It was also extremely dark.

This might be the oddest special I’ve ever seen. It’s triggering because of how my mom passed away. He did have some funny jokes. You were more shocked than anything while watching. You couldn’t get settled into a feeling because he’d say something that brought out a completely different emotion. It was a wild rollercoaster ride that I wanted off of.

I will say his last joke was extremely clever and good. He reminded me of Chappelle in his set-up for the joke. It’s a little funny and kind of weird. Before watching the special, I saw all the noise that was going on surrounding him. His son is Tran, and Marlon posted something in support, especially for Pride Month. He lost ten thousand followers because of it. 

Now, after watching the special and seeing everything he said, I’m shocked he didn’t lose ten thousand followers from that. Instead, it was because he was showing support for his son. Which just makes you more perplexed and shake your head, in my case, shake my locs. I honestly don’t know how to rate this. I’ll just say it wasn’t for me. I give it three mor fires 🔥🔥🔥. I can see people either loving it or hating it. I’ll let you be the judge. May both of his parents rest in peace.





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